why all police and law enforcement are regarded as assholes every day by people that aren't wearing a badge

Pensacola police officer Christopher Geraci was fired and arrested after a camera mounted in his car showed him slamming a hit-and-run suspect against her car multiple times.

 Based on the video, it seems Bonds did not resist Geraci as she stood outside her damaged vehicle around 2 a.m. on Aug. 2.

 Pensacola Police Officer Christopher Geraci has now been fired for 'Unreasonable Force' on Abbi Bonds, and arrested for battery.

Meanwhile, a woman in Houston was arrested and held in jail foe 12 hours for warning drivers about a speed trap ahead http://news.yahoo.com/video#video=29827295 

anyone else recall the incredible cop (Maine state trooper Stephen Murray) that was ticketing some drunk who screamed and tore up the tickets and verbally went nuts on the cop? Way back in 1992, it was in my military police training as the example of grace under pressure, and how us Navy police were to behave in a bad situation. That is the way cops should be. Professional under pressure.


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