Ed Roth's "Surfite" show car on a press release photo found on Ebay

The text across the top says:

One of the popular exhibits at Rod & Custom car show here is this one seater Surfite, a surfboard-carrying vehicle dreamed up by comedian Ed Roth. Car can top 50 mph with its Austin Sidewinder engine of 4 cylinders, according to Roth, who claims it gets 50 mpg. Deep groove formed into right side is where surfboard fits snugly in place.

Photo by UPI

Ebay listing at http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-original-press-photo-Ed-Roth-Surfite-hot-rod-showcar-surf-rat-fink-1965-/130847201053?ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123

thanks Jay!


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