Visits in 2013
Total 2555433
This week 20,738
Page views
Total 9,556,908
This week 33.908
661 followers and 12904 posts
Visits in 2012
Total 1,630,000
This week 21,559
Total 2555433
This week 20,738
Page views
Total 9,556,908
This week 33.908
661 followers and 12904 posts
Visits in 2012
Total 1,630,000
This week 21,559
Page views
Total 3,497,980
This week 54,000
555 followers and 10344 posts
Total 3,497,980
This week 54,000
555 followers and 10344 posts
Visits in 2011
Total 735,331
This Week 22,061
Page Views
Total 2,994,177
this week 49,172
380 followers and 8670 posts
Visits in 2010
Total 614,209
This Week 13,287
Total 735,331
This Week 22,061
Page Views
Total 2,994,177
this week 49,172
380 followers and 8670 posts
Visits in 2010
Total 614,209
This Week 13,287
Page Views
Total 1,315,718
This Week 31,918
208 followers, and 6600 posts
Total 1,315,718
This Week 31,918
208 followers, and 6600 posts
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