Funny car movie "Snake and Mongoose" has released the info on the special premieres

First showing was in Reno Nevada Friday night, the next will be August 14th in Birmingham Michigan,

However, to raise awareness with a fundraising campaign for the Lymphoma and Luekemia Soiciety to help them fight the blood cancer disease, as Tom McEwan lost a son to it the August 26th and 29th events are going to be:
Two benefit premieres - one on Monday, August 26th at the Egyptian in Hollywood and one on Thursday, August 29th, at the Regal Shilo Crossing in Indianapolis,with the bulk of ticket sales going to help patients fighting blood Cancers

LLS logo on a corner of the poster with a "Text-to-Donate" number below;

Material available at LLS about the Snake and Mongoo$e Movie booth as it tours the country over the next six weeks;

Promotional giveaway items THROUGHOUT the United States that include information about how to donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 

A special trailer that highlights this portion of the story for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to share with its Constituents.

The cancer that killed Tom's son is now 90% curable, and the efforts of many people to raise money and awareness has went a long way to change Leukemia and Lymphomas from death sentences to surmountable and medically treatable diseases.

 I was just talking to a mom while in line at D23, her oldest daughter at 24 yrs old was hit with Leukemia in her senior year at Texas A&M but has been going through chemo for 6 months and her doctors think she's going to be fine, and she was able to come with her family to Disney D23 Expo.

So spread the word, and donate if you can, the next life saved could be your in your family. Cancers are so common and widespread now that everyone I know has lost one or more family members, or friends, to some cancer. In my family, 2. Friends, 2.

Road and Track has reviewed the film,


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