San Diego found a new way to raise $750,000. Instead of enforcing the 72 hour parking law, which they don't do, they made parking RV's on city streets overnight illegal.

They think that they will spend 2.1 million dollars enforcing this new law, though they can't seem to enforce most every other law that they could in order to get the RV's to move along, the big complaint against them from beach cities homeowners.

The city councilman that pushed this law through after 7 years of debate, states several complaints against the RVs, but concedes that the law enforcement force is not up to the challenge of enforcing all the stupid laws that the city, county, state and federalies have made up to tax/ticket all motor vehicles.

So instead of solving problems that the home owners have complained about, the city council of San Diego has outlawed parking an RV on city streets overnight from 2am to 6am.

So, what, the police departments are supposed to start ticketing all the RVs at 6am? Not going to happen.

San Diego, so called Americas Finest City, seems to want to emphasis FINE as in "pay up".

All the rest of California, according to todays news story, have oulawed living in RVs on city streets, and thus forced the undesireable nearly homeless south to San Diego (actually the best year round temperatures in all California).

About a dozen years ago houseboats were outlawed, about 6 years ago the free boat anchorage in San Diego Bay was removed, and now the RVs that many poor people have bought on the cheap, are the newest target of the wealthy.  Maybe some year in the future the homeless will be the target of the cleanout of California so that the wealthy and tourists won't see them.

“The proliferation of illegally parked vehicles is a public safety, is a quality of life and can be an environmental issue that especially impacts our neighborhoods and particularly many of those that are in our beach and bay communities,” said Councilman Kevin Faulconer, who pushed for the ordinance. “Currently we have vehicles that are parked in front of homes and businesses for weeks at a time, taking up valuable parking spaces … and limiting access to driveways and alleys which present major pedestrian problems.”
The new ordinance bans street parking of oversized vehicles, nonmotorized trailers and RVs between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. and prohibits them from parking within 50 feet of intersections at all times. Violators would receive a $100 ticket. Residents and their guests would be able to apply for permits to park on the same block as their home while preparing for trips.
The council’s independent budget analyst projected the annual costs of implementation at $2.1 million and revenue generated through permit and citation fees at $2.8 million for a yearly surplus of roughly $731,000.
Supporters of the RV overnight ban showed photos of vehicles that have remained on the same street for months and years on end without moving. They also pointed out that San Diego and Imperial Beach are the only coastal cities in the county without RV restrictions.


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